Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Massive Candy Distribution Day!

Halloween is here!  Time to put on your slutty nurse, cat, viking, etc. costume and hit the streets.  Don't have plans this evening?  Never fear.  I have some movie recommendations for you.

  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show: This movie is filled with thrills, chills and b-movie special effects goodness.
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas: Who doesn't love a movie about a Halloween spirit trying to hijack Christmas?  Nobody!
  • Corpse Bride: About a girl who's always the dead bridesmaid and never the dead bride.
  • Coraline: Motherly love to the creepy extreme.  
  • The Devil Wears Prada: A movie featuring a woman who can put the fear of God in you for simply wearing the wrong shoes to work.  Terrifying.
  • She-Devil: Roseanne, adultery and acts of revenge.  I suggest you don't watch this movie with the lights off. 
There you have it.  My movie recommendations for Halloween.  Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

All Treat and No Trick

Hello, boys and girls.  As an early Halloween present, here's a treat for the ears.  Jules Marie, one of my new favorite artists, has just released her second full album titled "Scarlet Lore."  Her sound is a dark mix of alternative, electronic, and dream pop with a bit of ambience.  "Scarlet Lore"  is available for free on   You can also get to the album download page by clicking the link below.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Awesome Discovery

About a month ago, the mailman accidentally put a catalog into my mailbox that was meant for somebody else.  It was from this online store called The Pyramid Collection.  After looking through the catalog, I saw that the shop sold items that catered to a lot of different subcultures.  Like Gothic, Steampunk and other new age subcultures.  If these type of things Interests you, click the link below and give the site a look-see.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Jewelry Rehab 3: The Finale

I did it!  Last weekend, I finally completed my necklace project.  I ditched the elastic cord that I had originally planned to use and threaded some of the beads from my broken bracelet onto a short ball chain that I had sitting in my jewelry box.  Then, I took the rest of the beads and fed them through a pair of large silver hoop earrings that my mother had gave me.

For the low price of free, I created a cute jewelry set.  On to the next project.