Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Both Strange and Familiar


Hey, readers.  Happy After Halloween.  Back to counting down the days til the next one.  While you wait, pull up a seat and give a listen to Strange & the Familiars.  The band combines dark cabaret, rock opera and progressive rock to produce a dark and whimsical sound.

Over Halloween weekend, they released their second album, Strange World.  It's a multimedia project that involves short stories, indie comics, puppets, video, images and (of course) music.  On the music side, the album is soothing to the ears as it tells tales of words of warning and mourning for all that humanity might lose.  The accompanying comic will be released episodically starting in December.  I believe checking out Strange & the Familiars is a definite must.

This strange entry has come to a close.  If you enjoy reading my blog and want to show some love, consider donating to my Ko-fi page.  The link can be found in the header under "KO-FI" and in my profile.  Til next time.

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